Originally published in two volumes (The Four Gospels and the Revelation and Acts and Letters of the Apostles), this New Testament is itself a classic of another kind - the words of the Gospel and the Apostles presented for the modern ...
... the Bible, or some part of it, in English. The task fell to the American classical scholar Richmond Lattimore. Trained in the fullness of the Greek tongue, Lattimore had spent his life turning Homer, Aeschylus, and Pindar into powerful ...
Frank Kermode. The Lattimore Version The abundance , in our time , of single - handed , non - institutional translations of the Bible , and especially of the New Testament - Richmond Lattimore's is the most recent * - is a phenomenon ...
... The New Testament , trans . Richmond Lattimore ( New York : North Point Press , 1996 ) . Toward the end of his career , the American classicist , poet , and translator of ancient Greek literature Richmond Lattimore ( 1906–1984 ) turned ...
"The Acts of the Apostles, which Richmond Lattimore calls "the earliest consecutive story of early Christianity that we have," and the three groups of Letters of the Apostles - those of Saint Paul, the letters to the Hebrews, and the ...
... the Bible, copyright by omas Nelson Publishers. Scripture is quoted from the New English Bible, copyright by Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press. Scripture is quoted from the New Testament translated by Richmond Lattimore ...
... Richmond Lattimore's books from the New Testament . In his Homer he is freer than Fitzgerald , often padding to maintain tone and six - beat meter . But in his version of Scripture we hear the evangelists speak as if we were hearing ...