Themes in Greek and Latin Epitaphs

Themes in Greek and Latin Epitaphs

Book by Richmond Lattimore
""Themes In Greek And Latin Epitaphs"" is a scholarly work by Richmond Alexander Lattimore, published in the Illinois Studies in Language and Literature series, volume 28, issues 1-2. The book explores the themes and motifs found in Greek and... Google Books
Originally published: 1942
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Themes In Greek And Latin Epitaphs: Illinois Studies In Language And Literature, V28, No. 1-2. Hardcover $48.95. Paperback $36.95.
Themes in Greek and Latin Epitaphs, Volume 28 · Richmond Lattimore Snippet view - 1962. Themes in Greek and Latin Epitaphs, Volume 28 · Richmond Lattimore
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By Richmond Lattimore. University of Illinois Press, 1962. Softcover. Condition: Good. Lattimore's doctoral dissertation, later amplified.
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Lattimore, Richmond ; Title: THEMES IN GREEK AND LATIN EPITAPHS ; Publisher: University of Illinois Press ; Publication Date: 1962 ; Binding: Softcover ; Condition: ...
Funerary art and epitaphs supplement each other: Attic grave reliefs, Hellenistic Totenmahl reliefs, Roman sarcoph- agi, Etruscan and Roman cemeteries are the ...
Richmond Lattimore, Themes in Greek and Latin Epitaphs. (Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, vol. XXVII, Nos. 1–2.)
Themes in Greek and Latin epitaphs / by Richmond Lattimore. Source. MARC. Language. English. Publisher. University of Illinois Press. Physical description.
The book covers a variety of themes, such as love, grief, death, and remembrance, and provides insights into the beliefs and values of ancient Greek and Roman ...
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Richmond Lattimore graduated from Dartmouth in 1926 and received an A.B. from Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar at Christ Church in 1932.
Themes in Greek and Latin epitaphs. Author: Richmond Lattimore. Front cover image for Themes in Greek and Latin epitaphs. eBook, English, 1962.