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subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
Edited by Jamal Malik and Saeed Zarrabi-Zadeh, the book explores the role of mystical Islam in the complex interchange and fluidity in the resonance spaces of “East” and “West.” The volume challenges the enduring Orientalist binary ...
subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
In The Circle of Love, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee continues his work of providing a contemporary understanding of Sufism, drawing us into this mystery of the soul. He describes the way of mystical prayer and of listening with the heart.
subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
This collection critically examines "tolerance," "secularism," and respect for religious "diversity" within a social and political system dominated by Sufi brotherhoods.
subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
Omar Khayyam's Secret: Hermeneutics of the Robaiyat in Quantum Sociological Imagination, by Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, is a 12-book series of which this book is the 11th volume, subtitled Khayyami Robaiyat: Re-Sewing the Tentmaker's Tent: 1000 ...
subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
Omar Khayyam's Secret: Hermeneutics of the Robaiyat in Quantum Sociological Imagination, by Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, is a 12-book series of which this book is the 11th volume, subtitled Khayyami Robaiyat: Re-Sewing the Tentmaker's Tent: 1000 ...
subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
This book is a study of the major works of Sufi historiography, which takes the form of collections of biographies.
subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
“Râfıza versus Ehl-i Beyt” kapağıyla çıkan RIHLE, Şii mezhebini masaya yatırıyor. “Varlığın anlamına, eşyanın hakikatine ve köklerimize…” spotuyla çıkan, üç aylık ilim, kültür ve medeniyet dergisi RIHLE son ...
subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
Al-Rawd al-’Athir fi’ Nuzhat al-Khathir, karangan Syaikh al Imam al-Allamah al-Humam Sayiddi Muhammad al Nafzawi, Diperkirakan buku ini ditulis pada awal abad 16 Masehi atau sekitar tahun 925 Hijrah Pengarang buku ini lahir di Nafzawi ...
subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
KİTAPTAN BAZI NOTLAR: * Ebû Ümâme radıyallahu anh şöyle dedi: Rasulallah birçok dua okudu, fakat biz ondan hiçbir şey ezberleyemedik.
subject:"Religion / Islam / Sufi" from
Kur’an tefekkürü ile ilgili Allah Teâlâ şöyle buyurur: “Bu Kur’ân feyiz ve bereket yüklü öyle şerefli bir kitaptır ki, onu sana, insanlar âyetleri üzerinde derin ve etraflıca düşünsünler ve temiz akıl sahipleri, on ...