In the book Esoteric Islam, I describe Islam to be one of the reflections of hermetic philosophy, and representative of the ideals of great ancient teachings of Astrology and Alchemy.
O pequeno livro a seguir discute algumas lições das vidas dos companheiros do Santo Profeta Muhammad, que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele, além dos Quatro Califas Corretamente Guiados do Islã: Abu Bakkar Siddique, Umar Ibn Khattab ...
This book is an English translation of “Bayat ki ahmiyat aur Zaroorat.” Al-bayah refers to the trade between a slave and his Lord wherein one pledges to give Allah his ownself and everything he owns in exchange for His proximity though ...
The Reform in Higher Education in Muslim Societies is in sum a paradigm shift in perspective driven by important considerations including the aims of education itself.