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subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
Il volume collettaneo analizza le tematiche connesse alla disciplina dei rapporti tra i diversi attori della filiera agroalimentare alla luce della Direttiva UE 2019/633 “in materia di pratiche commerciali sleali nei rapporti tra imprese ...
subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
Auf verfügbar bei amazon. "Ich habe die MEUTEREI DES DENKENS nicht zum nachDenken geschrieben. — Sondern zum vorDenken, umSetzen, anWENDEn. Deshalb schmökere, statt zu lesen!
subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
În 2014 m-am alăturat unui grup de oameni faini care își propuseseră să relanseze handbalul românesc și am dat o mână de ajutor pe partea de marketing. Această carte este povestea acestui proiect – așa cum am trăit-o eu.
subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
Publikacja towarzyszy I konferencji Naukowej „Młodzi o sporcie" zorganizowanej w 2014 roku przez Koło Naukowe Managerów Sportu UJ. W czasie tego wydarzenia młodzi ludzie mogli słuchać i dyskutować z praktykami rynku sportowego.
subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
The book ties in with much of the work done in the World Bank on the business environment, trade facilitation, economic diversification, and enterprise innovation.
subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
Celem monografii jest przedstawienie, jakie zmiany zachodzą w badaniach marketingowych pod wpływem rozwoju technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych.
subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
International Journal of Academe and Industry Research (IJAIR) is an open-access refereed journal focused on the two dimensions of business research: business education and applied industry research.
subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
This book focuses on the analysis of the four festivals organised by the Delegation of the European Union to China, the EU-China International Literary Festival. The Festival has been held twice a year in China since 2017.
subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
As China continues in its evolution from a planned economy to a market economy, and from an agricultural to a manufacturing and service-oriented economy, issues arising from owner diversification, corporate governance, and labor resource ...
subject:"Business & Economics Marketing" from
A relevância de marketing de relacionamento para a fidelização de clientes é o tema deste livro que teve lugar na empresa Massinga, situada na cidade de Nampula, Província de Nampula.