Il volume collettaneo analizza le tematiche connesse alla disciplina dei rapporti tra i diversi attori della filiera agroalimentare alla luce della Direttiva UE 2019/633 “in materia di pratiche commerciali sleali nei rapporti tra imprese ...
Auf verfügbar bei amazon. "Ich habe die MEUTEREI DES DENKENS nicht zum nachDenken geschrieben. — Sondern zum vorDenken, umSetzen, anWENDEn. Deshalb schmökere, statt zu lesen!
În 2014 m-am alăturat unui grup de oameni faini care își propuseseră să relanseze handbalul românesc și am dat o mână de ajutor pe partea de marketing. Această carte este povestea acestui proiect – așa cum am trăit-o eu.
Publikacja towarzyszy I konferencji Naukowej „Młodzi o sporcie" zorganizowanej w 2014 roku przez Koło Naukowe Managerów Sportu UJ. W czasie tego wydarzenia młodzi ludzie mogli słuchać i dyskutować z praktykami rynku sportowego.
The book ties in with much of the work done in the World Bank on the business environment, trade facilitation, economic diversification, and enterprise innovation.
Celem monografii jest przedstawienie, jakie zmiany zachodzą w badaniach marketingowych pod wpływem rozwoju technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych.
International Journal of Academe and Industry Research (IJAIR) is an open-access refereed journal focused on the two dimensions of business research: business education and applied industry research.
This book focuses on the analysis of the four festivals organised by the Delegation of the European Union to China, the EU-China International Literary Festival. The Festival has been held twice a year in China since 2017.
As China continues in its evolution from a planned economy to a market economy, and from an agricultural to a manufacturing and service-oriented economy, issues arising from owner diversification, corporate governance, and labor resource ...
A relevância de marketing de relacionamento para a fidelização de clientes é o tema deste livro que teve lugar na empresa Massinga, situada na cidade de Nampula, Província de Nampula.