inauthor: Richmond Lattimore from
The notes, which always relate to particular lines in the text, have as their prime aim the simple, factual explanation of things the inexperienced reader would be unlikely to have at his or her command (What is a hecatomb?
inauthor: Richmond Lattimore from
... University Press , 1927 ) . 3 Cedric Whitman , Homer and the Heroic ... Richmond Lattimore ( Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1951 ) , bk ... in author's possession . Chapter 5 1 Works of Virgil , trans . J. W. MacKail ...
inauthor: Richmond Lattimore from
... Richmond Lattimore (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951), 54. 8. Bernard Knox, “Introduction,” in The Iliad ... In “Author and Hero in Aesthetic Activity,” Bakhtin discusses the “classical hero” as a function of the roles he ...
inauthor: Richmond Lattimore from
This "gorgeously written" National Book Award finalist is a dazzling, heart-rending story of an oil rig worker whose closest friend goes missing, plunging him into isolation and forcing him to confront his past (NPR, One of the Best Books ...
inauthor: Richmond Lattimore from
... in Author and Audience in Latin Literature edited by Tony Woodman and Jonathan Powell , Cambridge , 1992 . Ovid ... Richmond Lattimore , Chicago , 1951 . The Odyssey of Homer Translated with an introduction by Richmond Lattimore ...
inauthor: Richmond Lattimore from
An irresistible invitation to reject the work ethic and enjoy life's simple pleasures (such as laughing, drinking and lying in the open air), Robert Louis Stevenson's witty and seminal essay on the joys of idleness is accompanied here by ...
inauthor: Richmond Lattimore from
Covering more than one century, this book describes the complex issues of Mongol-Armenian political relations that involved many different ethnic groups in a vast geographical area stretching from China to the Mediterranean coast in the ...