inauthor: Miguel Asin Palacios from
This is followed by studies of the Prologue, the four rivers of Eden, the place of the Ocean, the relation between body and soul, the image of hell and its punishments, and the connection with fantastic literature.
inauthor: Miguel Asin Palacios from
These include Hebrew texts and Christian texts in Greek, Latin, Ethiopic, and Coptic, such as the Apocalypse of Peter and the Apocalypse of Paul family. Muslim texts, medieval visions, and other related literatures are also discussed.
inauthor: Miguel Asin Palacios from
There are nearly 3500 authors of such theories, all amazingly very different from one another. The main categories of theories are presented in an other book of Jean de Climont THE ALTERNATIVE THEORIES
inauthor: Miguel Asin Palacios from
This text encourages the student to think in Latin through the process of reading unedited Latin selections and then composing in Latin, as opposed to the process of translating back and forth into English.
inauthor: Miguel Asin Palacios from
The purpose of this book is selective rather than exhaustive, indicating the part which the apocalyptists had to play within the religious development of Judaism and in the preparation of men's minds for the coming of Christianity.
inauthor: Miguel Asin Palacios from
These studies focus on personal eschatology in the Jewish and early Christian apocalypses.
inauthor: Miguel Asin Palacios from
The earlier volume in this series dealt with two religions of Indian origin, namely, Buddhism and Jainism.