Based on new material on his childhood and underground activities, this book places him in a European context and provides an intimate account of the development of his ideas on cultural regeneration, education, patriotism and militarism.
First authoritative biography of two great explorers, based on original research and diaries of expedition members. Danger, hardships, Indian customs and lore, much more. 29 illustrations. 7 maps.
In five volumes, it will survey all aspects of the history of the Isle of Man, from the evolution of the natural landscape through prehistory to modern times. The Modern Period is the first volume to be published.
Neurodiversity emphasizes their positive dimensions, showing how people with ADHD, bipolar disorder, and other conditions have inherent evolutionary advantages that, matched with the appropriate environment or ecological niche, can help ...
Participants represented physics, applied and theoretical mathematics, and electrical engineering departments in universities and industry. No index. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Many of the problems are fairly standard, but there are also problems of a more original type. This makes the book a useful supplementary text for anyone studying or teaching the subject. ... This book deserves many readers and users.