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inauthor: John Ross Browne from
... in Author no Or No No CAJU April ant. 5 Wndsworih fc Mi-Donald's Addltlan ... Ross Park. S 5.70 ,„ w M "• Spokane. Wash ............... 15 North East ... John M Levl. Mrs. Lucy Van Ness. W XV XVarren. Admr.. by M. Kandler. c. C Mrs ...
inauthor: John Ross Browne from
... in author!- \vha[ five ""l'11 s*Ject (?^ !|j| tative fashion, 86-54, while ... Brown,. 5-6-8. Mooney (9-9) at 8:30. Jerry Kuzma's Cards, who upset 1^°'^ HtheiScan"daio°b with seeded North, 68-67, are intact. The two winners collide juniors A!
inauthor: John Ross Browne from
... Brown ami ami m m mi daughters Ju-l> and Mary ami and and n n d Mrs ... in Author Edna Ferbcr's Ferbcr's erbcr's visits to the set of "Giant. "Giant ... ross on the screen. And I'm , Iwi'Py i'Py to say that it is." THE WITNETi ...
inauthor: John Ross Browne from
GOP unity helps derail 3rd parties. BY JOHN MICHAEL KELLY BLADE STAFF WRITER ... Ross Perot competed for the presidential nomination of the Reform Party. ertarian Party. In author-lecturer-financier Harry Browne ... Browne had hoped to ...
inauthor: John Ross Browne from
... In Author- l/.cd by State. Taxable bank valuations In Buchanan Counly ... ross the Hills . Hummel Endymlon Lehnyinn Mrs Josephine Vftcth Johnson ... John Rclscli, Miss Clara Richmond, Mrs. W. S. Rogers. I Mrs. H. B. Rowc, Mis ...
inauthor: John Ross Browne from
Found where Buried In Author Found Dead it .ill Knurl. Averting I'm less Paydays. ^rr/Tr ^ ^. FLEMINGTOV N'-. Aup 1 un F.lmer .T. Bennett of Summit. rusty rontamlnR 350 wrapped in brown ... ross h knees an-1 Hunter Cmmlv Prosecutor Herbert ...
inauthor: John Ross Browne from
... in author h. i As an author, he published "From om the Furrows to the Pits ... John A. and Theresia Homborg Voelker. Miss Voelker was a member of ... Ross Rd. Area. Answers to Tyler. Family pet. 941-6472, ing or stolen - Boxer ...
inauthor: John Ross Browne from
... John McCutcheon's stirring song about a World War I Christmas when German ... Ross. Illustrations by Sharon Lane Holm make it even easier to follow Ross ... in author Cornelia Fun- ke's entertaining novel "When Santa Fell to ...
inauthor: John Ross Browne from
... John Ncsbitt as commentator, Dan Saldenberg's orchestra and a Donald Duck ... In author of a now chll- book, "Thumbs Up." —2:30 P. M.—. (VTOL, WJZ. Into ... Ross now I* heard as Jean Montgomery in "Lone on somo of that R o r lal'g ...
inauthor: John Ross Browne from
... John Rubensteln, Don John2:30 CD MOVIE **"Ł ''Back To son ,-f »AJV School ... Ross co-stars. O AUTO RACING American Racing Series, from the Meadowlands In ... in "Author at Work." (D PHILIP MARLOWE. PRIVATE EYE Marlowe (Powers ...