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inauthor: Andreas Meier from
And why do some bad policies endure? World Development Report 2017: Governance and the Law addresses these fundamental questions, which are at the heart of development.Policy making and policy implementation do not occur in a vacuum.
inauthor: Andreas Meier from
The translation of an essay first published in Egypt in 1925, which took the contemporaries of its author by storm.
inauthor: Andreas Meier from
Arranged alphabetically by subject and/or concept, the present handbook has been conceived, for convenience sake and quick reference, as an aid to students and researchers who are often puzzled or even sometimes intimidated by the ...
inauthor: Andreas Meier from
This collection of more than 500 photographs taken by amateurs and professional propagandists provides a panoramic overview of Nazi Germany, offering intimate glimpses into living rooms and killing grounds, kitchens and concentration camps, ...
inauthor: Andreas Meier from
The historians in this collection examine borderlands events and phenomena from the mid-nineteenth century through the mid-twentieth.
inauthor: Andreas Meier from
Covering the entire spectrum of Arabic manuscripts, and especially the handwritten book, this book consists of a glossary of technical terms and a bibliography.
inauthor: Andreas Meier from
Western civilization tends to view secularism as a positive achievement. From this perspective, benefits of secularizing trends include the separation of church and state, the rule of law, and freedom from organized religion.
inauthor: Andreas Meier from
This book offers a new type of working tool for Cartesian studies.
inauthor: Andreas Meier from
The three books comprising the Muslim World series provide a rich and balanced view of all aspects of Islamic religion and its varied manifestations through time and around the world, with emphasis on understanding modern Muslim society ...
inauthor: Andreas Meier from
This book analyzes the transformation of the Ottoman Empire over the 19th and 20th centuries.