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Sep 24, 2024 · Cute metal. Hypnagogic pop. Simpsonwave. Explore some of music's most obscure and absurd musical genres.
In this article, we'll take a look at weird music genres you've probably never heard of. Stay tuned for some obscure genres of music!
Enter a genre and get songs with the lowest 10% popularity on Spotify. There are thousands of music genres available.
Obscure 60s/70s Psychedelic Rock ; Shy Boy. Kippington Lodge ; No Presents For Me - Remastered. The Pandamonium ; Lovely People. The Fairytale ; Model Village - ...
Mar 29, 2016 · try and find the songs with the least amount of hits on youtube or soundcloud. if you cant even place it in a specific genre, it is so worth ...
Video for Obscure genre songs
Dec 7, 2020 · A fun challenge would be to try and create music in a genre you've never listened to, based on ...
Duration: 11:26
Posted: Dec 7, 2020
Forget mainstream EDM - these obscure genres of electronica you need to listen to deliver better beats and amazing moods.
This tool has two options to choose from: “All Genres” and “Popular Genres.” With each “Go” click, you get a random genre and and ten examples of it.