Job orton philip doddridge from
... Job Orton's Memoirs of the Life , Character and Writings of the late Reverend Philip Doddridge D.D. ( 1766 ) was published . 102 Doddridge wrote also two ' Addresses ' , specifically designed for the Netherlands , which never appeared ...
Job orton philip doddridge from
... Doddridge , Philip , ” ODNB , Dec. 21 , 2004 ; Cross and Livingstone , Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church ... Orton and Hervey include : Philip Doddridge , The Family Expositor : Or , A Paraphrase of the New Testament . With ...
Job orton philip doddridge from
... Job Orton . London , 1804. 8vo . 5 vols . with portrait . 21. 2s . DODDRIDGE , Philip , D.D. The Family Expositor : or a Paraphrase and Version of the new Testa- ment , with critical Notes , and a practical Improvement of each Section ...
Job orton philip doddridge from
... Philip Doddridge , DD ( 1702– 1751 ) . London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office , 1979 . Orton , Job . Memoirs of the Late Reverend Dr. Philip Doddridge . Shrewsbury , 1766 . Overend , Frederick . The History of Ebenezer Baptist Church ...
Job orton philip doddridge from
... Job Orton . London , 1804. 8vo . 5 vols . with portrait . 21. 2s . DODDRIDGE , Philip , D.D. The Family Expositor : or a Paraphrase and Version of the new Testa- ment , with critical Notes , and a practical Improvement of each Section ...
Job orton philip doddridge from
Herbert Winckworth Tompkins. III PHILIP DODDRIDGE 69 Writings , of the late Rev. Philip Doddridge , D.D. , of Northamp- ton , by Job Orton , bound in dark grey boards , with a portrait engraved by John Robertson . Some time during the ...
Job orton philip doddridge from
... DODDRIDGE - continued . morocco , 87. 10s . Another Edition . Leeds , 1811 , 10 vols , published at 41. 108. LARGE PAPER , in royal 8vo . at 6l . Miscellaneous Works , with his Life by Job Orton ... Philip Doddridge , D.D. Published from ...
Job orton philip doddridge from
... Doddridge's Fa- mily Expositor , Worcest . , 1788-91 , 6 vols . 8vo . Posth . , 2d ed .. Lon . , 1822 , 6 vols . 8vo . " This work is not very popular . " - Watt's Bibl . Brit . " This work was designed for a companion to Doddridge's ...
Job orton philip doddridge from
... DODDRIDGE , Philip , D.D. An eminent Dissenting divine . Born in London 1702 . Became Minister at Kibworth 1722 ; at ... Job Orton I John , 13. 7. Future revelations of mysterious provi- The rife and progress of religion in the ...