This bestselling guide will help you recognize the real differences between the Christian faith and other viewpoints and make it easier for you to explain and share your faith with others.
Grabbe's clarity of style makes this book eminently accessible not only to students of biblical studies and ancient history but also to the interested lay reader.
In God Has a Name, pastor and New York Times bestselling author John Mark Comer invites you to rethink many of the prevalent myths and misconceptions about God and weigh them against what God actually tells us about himself.
Drawing on this notion, Stories of a Recovering Fundamentalist: Understanding and Responding to Christian Absolutism recounts the author's journey as a member of the fundamentalist subculture as a child and his life among the Jesus Freaks ...
Most of God's names reflect His character. For instance a chapter on holiness mentions all the names connected to that attribute. The index of names makes this book an excellent reference tool.
-- The God Family Inside this Bible Study Aid ebook: "Most people assume that everything that bears the label “Christian” must have originated with Jesus Christ and His early followers. But this is definitely not the case.
When you know which name to call, you will pray more effectively, and more specifically to your need. In this book, Dr. Tony Evans provides tools to transform your prayer life as you get to know God in new ways.